Discover the Benefits of Installing Sod in Wichita, Kansas

by | Apr 6, 2015 | Agriculture

Everyone wants a beautiful yard. Not only will thick, lush grass look attractive and boost the curb appeal of a home, it also provides a soft and comfortable surface for children to play safely on and for adults to entertain. But, yards can be difficult to grow, and it is not uncommon for browned or bare patches to reduce their appearance.

The choice of purchasing Sod in Wichita KS, is a sensible one. There are many benefits to choosing sod over grass seed. To begin with, sod is instant. When you apply grass seed to a yard, you may wait weeks for the final result to appear. Sod looks perfect instantly. This makes it the best solution before an event like a family reunion or open house when you want everything to look its best.

Sod in Wichita KS, is also great for getting what you see. If you are not an expert on different types of grass, you may be confused about the seeds you are purchasing. With sod, that never happens. The grass you see when you receive your sod is exactly what you will have weeks later.

Another benefit when you purchase Sod in Wichita KS, is that it can be used instantly after it is installed. There is no need to rope off half your yard, yell at the kids, and chase after the dog to prevent them from ruining your newly-seeded space. You will be able to enjoy your purchase immediately.

Finally, if you missed the spring or early summer growing season, you will have to wait another year to seed your lawn. But with Sod in Wichita KS, you will have a much longer amount of time to make your yard look great. These weed-free plots of grass are very hardy and will thrive as long as they are installed as soon as they are delivered, are watered thoroughly, and allowed enough time to grow before a frost. If your yard needs a little TLC to make it look as beautiful as it should, discover how fast and easy sod can give you the ground cover you need.

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